How to delete email account from iPhone?

Looking to understand How to Delete an Email Account from Your iPhone? Our comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide provides all the details you need, perfect for even a young user! Whether it's an...
xiaomi mi band 6 vs fitbit luxe

Fitbit Luxe vs Xiaomi Mi Band 6 Review

Price difference:Fitbit Luke - 149.00$ Mi Band 6 - 49.00$ First of all, can we compare a 149$ product with 49$ product? Yes. We can because the features of these products are similar. What...

How to disable Trackpad on Macbook?

Are you the person who accidentally touch the trackpad or put chips on your Trackpad? then this guide is for you to disable the Trackpad and enjoy the chips while watching...

Emails not reaching my inbox

How to recover the missing emails in Gmail? Sometimes you cannot find important emails that your client sends to you. There is always a chance that these emails are not reached Inbox...

How to Disable Social & Promotions Tab in Gmail?

When the new Gmail account gets created, the default view is always like the above image with tabs Primary, Social, Promotions. Sometimes emails may fall into promotions which we are supposed...